Saturday, June 12, 2021

Saturday, June 12, 2021, Kurt Krauss

Saturday Themeless by Kurt Krauss

A nice note from Kurt about himself and this puzzle: I am a retired business executive. I had a very successful career as a management consultant - first as a partner at Booz, Allen & Hamilton and then as the founder and Managing Partner of my own firm, The Mead Point Group, where I served a number of large, national and multinational corporations. I ended my professional career as the Chief Financial Officer of Burson-Marsteller, the then largest public relations and marketing communications firm in the world. I retired at fifty (it's better to be lucky than good) and have spent the past twenty years serving on company boards of directors, writing, constructing crossword puzzles and enjoying life. My first puzzle was published in the New York Times in 2010. Since then, I have had forty-nine puzzles published in the NYT, LAT & WSJ. This will be #50!

This is my first themeless puzzle. They are tough to construct. Rich Norris gave me some help and coaching and I was able to get one over the finish line. Finally!

Kurt's cluing and word selection made for a fun puzzle for me but, as you can see below, I had two vowel coin flips and below the grid you see the one I guessed wrong.

26. Palmer of "The Boys From Brazil": LILLI - As mentioned above, the I or Y coin flip came 
up wrong for me


5. Monetary unit of The Gambia: DALAS- You could get in your 2¢ worth with a DALASI because that is what it is worth in US money. The bill below would pay for a McDonalds combo meal in Banjul, Gambia and you'd get 60 GMD in change


1. Made a seat-of-the-pants mistake?: BUTT DIALED - What a fun kickoff clue!

11. Spunkmeyer of cookie fame: OTIS - OTIS has a fundraiser program where school clubs start baking cookies in ovens they provide an hour before dismissal and let the aroma waft through the hallways and then sell them when school lets out. Talk about "fish in a barrel!"

15. As it happens: IN REAL TIME 

16. "Hmm ... don't think so": UH NO.

17. It's undeliverable: DEAD LETTER.

18. Tibiae supporters: TALI - The talus (pl. TALI) is shown here below the tibia (pl. tibia)

19. "Done!": TADA.

20. Symbol on a Heineken label: RED STAR.

22. Request sweetener: PLEASE.

25. Word of agreement: LIKEWISE.

27. Electric __: EEL Yikes!

28. Refuse: WASTE  - Lines 10 and 11 in  Emma Lazarus' The New Colussus,   "Give me your tired , your poor, your huddles masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched REFUSE of your teeming shore."

29. Crazily: AMOK.

30. Filling material: AMALGAM - Some countries have banned this substance because it contains some mercury. The ADA has not banned it in America.

32. Appetite: YEN.

33. Keyboard in a Bach title: CLAVIER - A fun video of the playing of The Well-Tempered Clavier and the memories it might inspire.  BTW, CLAVIER is French for keyboard.

34. Besides: TOO - If someone gets TOO tired to continue compressions in 54. Hosp. areas: ERS., they might ask someone to 37. Spell: RELIEVE him as she 45. Breaks: RESTS.

38. Soul singer Franklin: ERMA - Aretha, with her sisters ERMA and Carolyn on backup, singing Respect 

ERMA, Carolyn and Aretha Franklin

39. Hog's little cousin: MOPED - I'm not sure if a MOPED rider would get the motorcycle "wave" from a rider on a Harley (called a Hog).

42. More than a stretch: LIE - Don't stretch out a LIE, just tell the truth and get it over with

43. Depressing: BLEAK.

44. Showing ingenuity in: CLEVER AT - I could list all our wonderful constructors 

46. Queen of fiction: ELLERY - ELLERY Queen is the main fictional character created in 1929 by 
Manfred Lee and his first cousin Frederic Dannay. Queen helps his police inspector father solve baffling murders. 

47. The Acropolis, in its time: CITADEL - A CITADEL is the core, fortified part of a city. While many Greek cities had one, the most famous CITADEL is here on the Acropolis (high point) at Athens. The Parthenon is one of the surviving structures on it.

48. California city name meaning "tar": BREA - The smell of the Tar Pits when we got of the car was overwhelming. 

49. Female gamete: OVUM.

50. Tentacled marine creature: SEA ANEMONE - Most stay attached catching passing food in their tentacles but some can move to escape danger.

55. TripAdvisor rival: YELP A YELP review of our fav small town steakhouse

56. Industry-specific publication: TRADE PAPER - Also called TRADE Journals

57. Span. titles: SRAS.

58. Responds to anxiety, in a way: STRESS EATS - Did you put on the COVID 15?


1. Nod, maybe: BID.

2. Nice article: UNE - Un chapeau (a hat) is correct because un is used before masculine nouns in French. UNE chapeau would not be right because UNE is used for feminine nouns. You have to memorize the differences.

3. Song syllable: TRA.

4. Address limited to 18 minutes: TED TALK Choose one from this list

6. __-France: Paris region: ILE DE - Literally Island Of France but no one knows exactly why. It is  the most populous of the 18 regions of France.

7. Encouraging start?: ATTA - "ATTA Boys/Girls" are nice but they don't buy any groceries 

8. Started burning: LIT.

9. Old cooking show that often had a Creole theme: EMERIL LIVE - EMERIL and his famous catchphrase

10. Literature Nobelist Walcott: DEREK Here ya go. Is he more obvious to you than NY Yankee DEREK Jeter?

11. Lapped, perhaps: OUT SWAM - Getting lapped means that not only is a swimmer ahead of you but that they have caught and passed you

12. In other words: THAT IS.

13. Having the worst record: IN LAST - Where Boomer says you can find his Twins

14. Evening do: SOIREE - Here is a place you could celebrate a SOIREE in Paris

21. Big name in Scotch: DEWAR.

22. Latitude: PLAY - Politicians try to leave some PLAY in their positions so as to not get pinned down to specifics

23. Key __: LIME - A pound of conventional LIMES compared to a pound of Key LIMES. Key LIMES take their name from being grown in the Florida Keys but since hurricane wiped them out, Key LIMES are now mostly grown in Mexico.

24. Tar Heel State university: ELON - Last month, ELON University grad Joe West broke the record for most MLB games umpired at 5.376.

25. "Don't bother": LEAVE IT - Not Rover!

27. What an online beep may signify: EMAIL ALERT - Unless you mute it at bedtime and forget to "unmute" it

30. Bar none: ALL.

31. "Fancy that!": GEE.

33. Relinquished: CEDED - Wally!

34. Ring bearer: TREE - This tree lived from 550 A.D. to 1891 A.D. when it was cut down

35. "The Wire" antihero __ Little: OMAR Here ya go.

36. Oenophile's adjective: OAKY - Wine aged in OAK barrels take some characteristics from the OAK

37. Modifies: REVAMPS.

38. Author/activist Johnson who attended President Obama's inauguration at age 105: ELLA MAE.

39. Real things?: MCCOYS  1957 TV

40. "Food, Glorious Food" musical: OLIVER.

41. "Downtown" singer Clark: PETULA - Love it!

43. They may replace oaths: BLEEPS - Hilarious BLEEPS!

46. White-tailed seabirds: ERNES - Birds of a feather that flock together in crosswords

48. Ordered: BADE I BADE my children to line up for recess

51. Berne's river: AAR.

52. Günter's gramps: OPA Opa liebt seinen neuen BMW (Granpa loves his new BMW)

53. Celtic foe: NET - The NETS eliminated the Celtics this year

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